
Minister Popovic playing solo (not) allowed

We can again hear dissonant tones between Minister Nenad Popovic and Prime Minister Ana Brnabic. Namely, the President of Serbian People’s Party and Minister without portfolio in charge of innovation Nenad Popovic assessed that Brussels Agreement was dead and that Serbia should, whenever it can, dispute the false sovereignty of Kosovo. The Prime Minister reacted […]


Resolution of the affair of (mis)use of official vehicles during elections in Lucani is in sight

The special department of the Public Prosecutor’s Office for the Fight against Corruption in Novi Sad received the first reports from the police, as well as from certain public enterprises regarding the criminal complaints of the Center for Research, Transparency and Accountability (CRTA) for the misuse of official vehicles during last year’s elections in Lucani. […]


Initiative Open Parliament celebrates seven years

Since June 2012, Open Parliament informs citizens on the work of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, monitors MPs activities and events in the Assembly. In seven years, 1057 laws were adopted in 682 working days in the plenary which were analysed, more than 250,000 MPs speeches were published, almost 300 law abstracts, […]


What’s new in Criminal Code amendments?

The amendments of the Republic of Serbia Criminal Code were initiated by the Foundation “Tijana Juric”, but also due to the needs to prescribe the harsher punishment for offenders who are recidivists and multiple recidivists. Namely, on 9 November 2017, the Foundation submitted the initiative to amend the Criminal Code supported by exactly 158,460 citizens’ […]


Parliamentary boycott and then what

The situation in Parliament has deteriorated significantly over the past several years. The ruling majority has monopolized the legislative process in this parliamentary convocation. However, the fact that the abuse of procedures has upstaged the space for controlling the work of the Government and discussing the law proposals has worsened the relations with the opposition […]


The “Suitcase” Affair

When on January 11th 2006, the police barged in the flat of the then-vice-governor of the National Bank of Serbia Dejan Simić, and arrested him and Vladimir Zagrađanin, the marketing director and a member of the City Council of the Serbian Socialist Party on charges that bribes in the amount of 100,000 euros were found […]