
Media and Banjska: What news was lost on the way from Pristina to Belgrade?

Ever since the shooting in the village of Banjska, in which a Kosovo police officer was killed, along with four attackers, representatives of the authorities and most of the media maintain the thesis that Albin Kurti is responsible for all the events in northern Kosovo. As Istinomer wrote before, in the first hours after the conflict, the […]


Minister Popovic playing solo (not) allowed

We can again hear dissonant tones between Minister Nenad Popovic and Prime Minister Ana Brnabic. Namely, the President of Serbian People’s Party and Minister without portfolio in charge of innovation Nenad Popovic assessed that Brussels Agreement was dead and that Serbia should, whenever it can, dispute the false sovereignty of Kosovo. The Prime Minister reacted […]


Vucic as a president should look up to Tomislav Nikolic

As the expert team of the protest “One in five million”, after a month of work, published requests and recommendations related to the media and the regularity of elections, the team member and assistant professor at the Faculty of Political Sciences, Dusan Vucicevic explains in an interview for Istinomer that “their work is done” and […]


We don’t belong in the Assembly together with Milan Radoicic

Aleksandra Jerkov, the Democratic Party Vice President and the MP, described that for Istinomer’s podcast ““Speak into a mic” in the early morning, when the operation of the Kosovo police in the Northern Kosovo began, while listening to Marko Djuric and semi-information in the media, she thought that “the war began.” She assessed that the […]


Serbs and Albanians have to reconcile

“Vucic is a winner from the meeting in Patriarchate because Patriarch Irinej actually helped him present himself as a protector of national interests, including the church, as well as the representative of the unity and presence of our people”, said Borko Stefanovic, Vice President of the Party of Freedom and Justice (PFJ), in his interview […]


Active bewildering of citizens

Milan Antonijevic, Executive Director of the Open Society Foundation, estimates in his interview to Istinomer that we are “living at the age of climate changes, which are not linked to ecology, but rather to the changes in the rule of law”. This was his response to the question whether he understood what was happening, considering […]


Deda: Vucic and Thaçi were ready to sign the agreement in February

“There was a Draft Agreement on Comprehensive Normalization, a document which was almost signed at the beginning of February this year. It had 12 items and included “principles on comprehensive normalization”, including Kosovo membership to the UN and “correction of borders”. This document, along with annex proposals on various open issues between two countries, was […]