Ana Brnabic

Elections in Serbia and Russia’s pat on the back

When the German Foreign Minister, Annalena Baerbock, expressed “enormous concern about tendencies of nationalist propaganda” in Serbia ahead of the elections held on 17 December, the response came at lightning speed. “She is concerned about nationalist tendencies… She probably listened to the speeches of people from the ‘Serbia against Violence’, who suddenly became patriots. Until […]


Your exposé sounds familiar

We will not go too far into the past, only to the last Ana Brnabić’s exposé and to the five-hour speech delivered by Aleksandar Vučić in 2016, when the length of the exposé was inversely proportional to the length of the mandate. MPs of the Serbian Progressive Party, as well as the Prime Minister herself, […]


Active bewildering of citizens

Milan Antonijevic, Executive Director of the Open Society Foundation, estimates in his interview to Istinomer that we are “living at the age of climate changes, which are not linked to ecology, but rather to the changes in the rule of law”. This was his response to the question whether he understood what was happening, considering […]