Photo credit: Screenshot/TV Pink (YouTube/Srpska napredna stranka)
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Power at Any Cost: Parallels Between Serbia and Georgia
On 28 November 2024, the European Parliament adopted a resolution which called for new elections in Georgia, following up on condemnation of the October parliamentary elections for being “neither free nor fair”. Nine months prior, in February, the European Parliament adopted a resolution which deemed that the 2023 parliamentary elections in Serbia were also not […]Photo credit: FoNet
How the EU pushes Serbia towards BRICS: Russian Media and Belgrade have the answer
“BRUSSELS CHOOSES SERB-HATER PICULA: They shut the door on Serbia and push it towards BRICS” the media wrote on October 22 when they learned that Croatian politician Tonino Picula was appointed as the European Parliament’s rapporteur for Serbia. The next day, headlines read: “EP Appoints Picula: A Serb-hater Reports on Serbia” and raised the question, […]Photo credit: FoNet/AP
US Elections in Serbian media: Trump is a peacemaker, Kamala a synonym for new wars
Kamala is “mentally disturbed” and “incompetent” The media widely reported that Donald Trump is “clear” and “ruthless” while stating that US Vice President Kamala Harris is a “mental invalid”, meaning she has “serious mental problems”. Such headlines were prominent in the first days after outgoing US President Joseph Biden withdrew from the […]Photo credit: YouTube/Aleksandar Vučić (RTS)