
The authoritarian playbook: How governments in Georgia, Slovakia and Serbia employ same narratives and tactics against protests

Governments that are openly distancing themselves from the EU, leaning toward Russia, or doing so less openly while employing Russian propaganda tactics – this is exactly what we are witnessing on the political scene in Georgia, Slovakia, and Serbia. Mass protests by dissatisfied citizens on one side, and politicians in power who seem to be […]


We need spin-checking in addition to fact-checking

Electoral manipulations. A society divided between the West and Russia. People rooting for a strong leader because “only a firm hand can lead us out of the crisis.” The rule of spin. Institutions and politicians gaslighting citizens and spreading misinformation. All of that is the current picture of spinocracy in Serbia. These multifaceted manipulations sometimes […]


The Co-author of “Spin Dictators”: In Many Countries, Spin Dictators Are Reverting to Violent Repression

Leaders in other countries have adopted techniques of spin dictatorship, manipulating the media behind the scenes, taking over the courts, and marginalizing the opposition — all while maintaining a democratic facade. Spin dictatorship is an attractive model of governance for leaders who want to consolidate their power as authoritarian rulers while keeping a modern economy […]